


The topic of lunchbox ideas for me is one of the most frustrating.
It comes amidst parents lamenting they feel like they spend all their time in the kitchen, parents who are exhausted, parents who selfishly put their own self care at the bottom of their ‘to do’ list, parents who spend enough time on social media to have themselves feeling less than in nearly every area of their lives, parents who slavishly and unconsciously follow food/nutrition trends…

Baby's First Foods

Baby's First Foods

Today I’m preparing for a talk I've been asked to share on feeding children from baby's first foods onward.

So many parents are filled with angst that their toddlers don't eat enough or any vegetables so whenever I show this slide there is a simultaneous sigh of disbelief and relief.

Obviously there is much discussion and explanation that follows and in the days and weeks after the talk I receive much feedback about how relaxed meal times have become.



After noticing a spate of posts in my newsfeed on various neighbourhood, ecourse, community support, mothers and even financial advice groups as well as health related groups, for requests for random recommendations of probiotics for everything from finger infections, to frequent colds, to digestive disorders, period pain and migraines, I went searching for this post I had written previously and realised I've yanked it out of the archives a number of times - throwing it out there again for what it's worth, though not sure if anyone is really taking any notice...