People often look shocked when I suggest that white rice is a healthier option than brown rice - and even white (as opposed to bleached) flour therefore white bread and pasta etc...
My usual reasoning in the case of rice is:
The microbiome from the Greek words mikrós - small and bíos - life, is an environment consisting of a community of micro organisms existing together. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and yeasts are some of the very many micro organisms living in our gut. They all perform important functions to ensure our body is functioning optimally. We have microbiomes in various parts of our bodies including nasal passages, in our skin folds like armpits and groin, in genital areas and in our large intestine or gut. The gut one is the microbiome most determinate of our overall health.
Each of these microbiomes have their own ideal balance of micro organisms and when in balance all is well for the larger organism ie the human body. Problems arise when these micro organisms are either out of balance of find themselves in microbiomes not native to them.