


No wonder more connected generations before us paid so much attention to nourishing and nurturing the pregnant woman and more so the post partum woman, insisting on a good whole month at a minimum to completely rest and recover to some degree. Another example of traditional wisdom getting it so right without all the science and technology we have available to us today.

POST PARTUM PRIORITY the traditional way

POST PARTUM PRIORITY the traditional way

While obviously nothing was keeping me away from the most precious milestone of the birth of my grandchild - my daughter living on the other side of the world, was only one of some significant challenges - there was more than just the maternal desire and joy to be present. For me (and fortunately my daughter) there is an innate responsibility passed down through generations of women, though sadly these days neglected to our societal and personal detriment.



The topic of lunchbox ideas for me is one of the most frustrating.
It comes amidst parents lamenting they feel like they spend all their time in the kitchen, parents who are exhausted, parents who selfishly put their own self care at the bottom of their ‘to do’ list, parents who spend enough time on social media to have themselves feeling less than in nearly every area of their lives, parents who slavishly and unconsciously follow food/nutrition trends…