So here I was thinking I should lay off the post partum posts, yet I’m getting messages of gratitude for them and being asked for more! It’s really heartening knowing that there is an interest and I’ve said before, hopefully a revival making this mainstream. Oh and we must remember Dad's need considering at this time too. Rest assured, though, this isn’t going to turn into a post partum page
For some this is all a new concept, for most ‘how’ is a common question - how do you do post partum care? There is also the disappointment around not having anyone to do the nurturing and nourishing for/to you. I will speak to this in another post.
As always these are just my thoughts and as always there isn’t really one correct way. Apparently all traditional cultures had some form of post partum care that lasted anywhere from 4
weeks to 3 months.
And just to be clear all this information also applies, essentially so, to women who have been pregnant and not had a child stay earth side
Post partum rituals and ceremonies are often created and guided by the environment and spiritual beliefs of the culture which is why there isn’t just one way. There are however, common areas addressed by traditional post partum carers. Most are fairly obvious, especially in light of what a woman’s body has just gone through physically over the weeks of pregnancy and then the demands of delivery, regardless of how the birth occurs. However ,the psychological, emotional and spiritual while not obvious, are just as important.
The most common elements, in no order of importance, are rest, diet, warming, closing, honouring and underpinning it all is support.
In order to avoid this post being ridiculously lengthy, I’ll post about each element separately.
In conclusion, it is vital to remember that around 80% of healing occurs in the first 4 -6 weeks post partum so this is preferably not left to deal with down the track, although it is never too late to do something.
And finally, over the years, I have shared frequently about the importance, to our psyche in particular, of ritual and ceremony to mark the various stages in a male, female, child, adolescent, and adult life. Many generations past, ritual and ceremony was a given at these times of life. Sadly and to our collective detriment, they have been left by the wayside in the last few decades. There is building evidence of just how important acknowledging these times are, physically, emotionally and spiritually. They don’t have to be epic. Small gestures are often sufficient. Fortunately in recent times, there seems to be a gradual recognition and resurgence in marking these transitions with some form of meaningful acknowledgment. For this, I for one, am grateful

What I share on this page are my views (unless stated otherwise), based on my research, my experience and my beliefs.
Just sharing as food for thought

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