It's that time of year where there's lots of talk of challenges, cleanses and detoxes with all sorts of pills, shakes, bars, drops, elixirs and potions filled with a variety of magical superfoods and the like that are touted as the silver bullet to absolve you from all your festive season 'sins' and have you trim, taut and terrific in no time.
Here's an idea; how about we just EAT simple, in season, natural food as provided by nature with lots of diversity in colour, flavour and texture?
Ideally it's food that is grown locally and traditionally - better still,
if you can grow some of it yourself. But if finances, circumstances and/or availability are an issue, just do the best you can with what you've got - vegetables, fruit, meat/seafood/dairy/eggs as a foundation to build on according to YOUR body's needs.
This is the sort of food our body recognizes and knows what to do with. It's the way our grand and great grandparents ate and it served them well.
And remember, great health is so much more than what we eat and how we move.
Quality sleep, stress management, happy relationships... all have an impact on our overall health.
Listen to your body and be guided by it.
Our bodies want to be firing on all cylinders and have an innate ability to do so if we would just stop getting in the way with stress, toxic physical and emotional environments and consuming fake food-like substances.
Disclaimer: What I share on this page are my views (unless stated otherwise) based on my research, my experience and my beliefs.
The posts are only provided as 'food for thought'.