It’s that time of year where crazy detox protocols seem to be everywhere –
Not. A. Fan.

Ok so maybe you overdid the food and/or alcohol over the Holyday and New Year period and now you’re feeling sluggish and blah. Well your body is already struggling and under stress so why stress it more with a punishing/ restrictive detox protocol?

And considering our body and its requirements are individual, how can one protocol be suitable for everyone? How about listening to YOUR body and nurturing and supporting your body to do what is does naturally, in a kind, simple and delicious way? Rest, gentle, regular movement and easily digestable foods, bitter foods and herbal teas can be helpful as can eating a carrot a day or this yummy carrot salad
Besides being delicious it has a number of health benefits.
Now just chomping on a raw carrot is almost as good, just make sure you chew it really well - a great practice in conscious eating
The best way to consume it is to grate the carrot lengthways (do not blend or juice) and mix in some quality salt, apple cider vinegar and coconut or olive oil.
Raw carrot salad helps reduce the burden on the liver due to the carrot fibers unique ability to detoxify endotoxins (toxins we produce within our body) as well as assisting with balancing hormones by eliminating excess circulating ones like estrogen. Most females and increasingly more males today are suffering the effects of estrogen dominance mainly due to our food and environment (xenoestrogens). This also makes raw carrot great for balancing thyroid health.
The carrot fibres with the addition of the vinegar and oil, both with antibacterial properties, assist with gut dysbiosis and integrity of the gut membrane.
Raw carrot salad can also be helpful in cases of histamine excess, gut inflammation, food poisoning and constipation.
Some believe it is best eaten on an empty stomach in the first half of the day so maybe prepare it for a mid morning snack.

Carrot Salad Fb post