Be still my beating heart.
Out of something worrisome came something very hopeful. My Dad has been increasingly unwell and today we had to call for a doctor to visit Dad at home. The doctor ordered some potent antibiotics for Dad and then said - are you ready for this? - he then said
“... and you’ll need to take probiotics as well.”
He even mentioned the risk of the dreaded c.diff (clostridium difficile), it’s current rapid rise in incidence and association with antibiotic use.
After over a decade of a small group of us, feeling like a tiny voice in the wilderness on the importance to our survival of the gut microbiota and the devastating effects of antibiotics with seemingly few taking notice the message finally seems to be getting through to those who need to get it the most - modern medicine doctors.
It’s easy to criticize the modern medicine profession and tar them all with the same brush due to the arrogance of a few - the so called ‘Friends of Science’ comes to mind... however increasingly I am hearing of more and more doctors being opened to listening and considering new and different approaches to the cut, burn poison band-aid approach they have been taught. Slowly the tide is turning...
My Dad is a retired doctor. He practiced for over 60 years and there was no talk of the gut microbiome in his time. When his doctor mentioned probiotics, my Dad responded “that’s Shalani’s field. She’ll take care of that.” so it was an interesting turn of roles for me to be handing Dad the antibiotics in one hand and in the other hand the probiotics (supp and food) with instructions on how to take them.
Here’s hoping for a speedy, complete recovery...

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