Prepare your straining and storing equipment first – a 500ml glass pouring jug, fine mesh strainer (you can line it with paper towel or coffee filter if you like), glass jar with lid to store the ghee.


Melt one block (250g) of butter in a saucepan.

Allow to simmer gently.

Foam will appear on the top, you can skim that off if you like.

As it starts to colour the aroma will be divine, like caramel.

You need to watch it at this stage as it can burn quickly and then will taste bitter.

The longer you simmer it the less milk solids present

It’s ready for straining when it’s a dark golden colour.

Carefully straining into glass jug.

Pour golden liquid into your jar.

You can strain straight into the jar you will store the ghee in, I just do the extra step to be on the safe side.


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