I spent last night with five of my soul sisters (one of them my biological sister!) having our spirits fed by each other and the mother of vulnerability Brene Brown. Her book "Gifts of Imperfection" has been mentioned many times on this page as it caused one of the biggest 'aha' moments in my life when I read it in 2010.
Brene's talks and books have a way of doing that, and last night was no different. Here's just a few gems from last night:
- vulnerability is showing up and being seen when you don't know what the outcome will be;
- joy is connected to gratitude;
- what makes children happy doesn't necessarily make them joyful adults;
- if we change the way we work and educate children we can change the world;
- ...and then there's the one in the attached image - a game changer I reckon. It really got me thinking about the sort of adult I am and have been for my children like listening to the way I speak - to myself, my children, my partner, others. Being conscious of when I've been gossiping or being critical. Expressing my vulnerability – rarely.
How often do I model kindness, forgiveness, patience, compassion and gratitude. Dropping the illusion of perfection. Being authentic especially when I drop my bundle and are the complete opposite of all the above, and I do, often.
Yep it takes courage - a huge amount of courage but being the adult I want my children to be may be the greatest gift I could ever give them and even though they are now in their twenties, I don't believe it is ever too late.
...because great health is so much more than what you eat and how you move.